Have you try running the barefoot way?
I’m one of the running enthusiasts who love doing it – yes! The Barefoot way 🙂
Did you know that our foot has:
- 200,000 nerve endings
- 28 bones
- 19 major muscles
- 33 joint centers
- 17 ligaments
Your foot is a masterpiece and was designed for running – even before they invented shoes.
Above photos shows “How to Run, One Stride at a Time”
Aside from running as a group, my running buddy and my husband is my companion in my training. He is also a barefoot marathoner and a member of Barefoot Running Philippines.
Barefoot running and training is held every Wednesday at 7:00 here at Track 30 of Boni High Street.
If you wish to join us and learn more about Barefoot Running, please like Barefoot Running Philippines in Facebook , visit the website http://brp.alt.ph or simple email me at [email protected].
Everyone is welcome here 🙂
Photo Credit: Sam Dela Cruz & Manolo Lacanlalay
Jason Panuelos
It feels like ages ago since I’ve been on a run! And I admire you so much for running barefoot! I can’t imagine how challenging it must be since I’m so used to running with the usual running shoes. Haha! More power to you and keep it up! 😀