I’m Running The Barefoot Way

Barefoot Curlydianne

Have you try running the barefoot way?

I’m one of the running enthusiasts who love doing it – yes! The Barefoot way 🙂

Did you know that our foot has:

  • 200,000 nerve endings
  • 28 bones
  • 19 major muscles
  • 33 joint centers
  • 17 ligaments

Your foot is a masterpiece and was designed for running – even before they invented shoes.

Running Barefoot

Above photos shows “How to Run, One Stride at a Time”

Aside from running as a group, my running buddy and my husband is my companion in my training. He is also a barefoot marathoner and a member of Barefoot Running Philippines.

Barefoot couple

Barefoot running and training is held every Wednesday at 7:00 here at Track 30 of Boni High Street.

barefoot Marathoner

If you wish to join us and learn more about Barefoot Running, please like Barefoot Running Philippines in Facebook , visit the website http://brp.alt.ph or simple email me at [email protected].

Everyone is welcome here 🙂

Photo Credit: Sam Dela Cruz & Manolo Lacanlalay

Jason Panuelos

It feels like ages ago since I’ve been on a run! And I admire you so much for running barefoot! I can’t imagine how challenging it must be since I’m so used to running with the usual running shoes. Haha! More power to you and keep it up! 😀

Yamito Uytingco Calamba

I’ve never seen you run barefoot pa (only because i’ve haven’t got near any running events lately LOL). I’m glad you decided to do another site dedicated to barefoot running. Congrats and more power! 😉


    Hi Yam 🙂

    You should try running especially barefoot running. Thanks for the support 🙂 See you soon.

    glenn pore

    hi sir invite po sana namin kayo sa fun run namin na barefoot in carmona cavite malapit po sa binan ung area po natin is MJC
    sa mismong racetrack nang kabayo po ung run sa june 22 you can contact me f your intersted po 09436805645

Franc Ramon

I really admire barefoot runners. I don’t think I can do that because of my tendency to heel strike.

Jerome Lupisan

Have you written anything about the benefits of barefoot running? Thanks!

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A very nice, inspiring blog Sir Mike I am one of the converted few And I say, am loving barefoot running ??

Sincerely Ophelia

I have heard running with sneakers is not the best. This is great though! Worth the try! But I would be cautious with the floor!

SINCERELY OPHELIA | NYC Petite Fashion Blogger